How to Write a Compelling Problem Statement

A problem statement is a detailed explanation of currently existing issues that needs to be addressed. It establishes the gravity of heeding attention to the resolution of the problem. In other words, a problem statement is the focal point of any research that describes the gap between current state of knowledge and desired futuristic condition.

A problem statement must include an issue that needs to be addressed. It should be stated clearly to provide a context for a study. You will also introduce the method of solving the problem as well as the objective of your study, 

The role of a problem statement

The purpose of a problem statement is to elucidate the problem around which the whole research will be conducted. You will be able to frame research questions only if you know the research problem. It is essential that you elaborate the problem eloquently to hook the reader.

How to originate a research problem

A research problem originates from a research question formulated out of previous studies. Scoop out innumerable scholarly articles or research papers, go through them carefully, and acutely observe the study to formulate the research problem. These 

Category : Research
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