Systematic Literature Review

Essential EBook Series: A to Z of Conducting Systematic Literature Review and Writing a Research Paper from it.

Roadmap to Navigate Systematic Literature Review for Your Research Paper

The procedure of conducting a systematic review is quite different from a standard literature review. The central research question that you select will have to be answered with high quality of literature evidence and must essentially include all the studies that are relevant to the question at hand. This methodology has been largely accepted in public policy research and health sciences.

This EBook has been modeled to help you navigate the protocol-intensive procedure of conducting a systematic literature review and enable you to seamlessly integrate your systematic review into your research paper. You will learn the crucial steps of formulating research questions, searching for relevant studies, data synthesis, and effective report writing in this EBook.

  • Learn the step-by-step process of conducting a systematic literature review.
  • Understand how to integrate the systematic review into your research paper.
  • Discover strategies to identify and include high-quality literature evidence relevant to your research question

EBook on SLR Based Research Paper (PhD Essentials)

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